- 1 Last Events
- 1.1 Day of women and girls in Science 2025
- 1.2 International Autumn School on AI and Robotics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAIRSAS 2023 - 14-16th November)
- 1.3 CORESENSE Meeting in León 2023 (October 9-10th)
- 1.4 Expociencia 2023
- 1.5 Day of the women in STEM 2023
- 1.6 Presentation at ROSCon-FR (Toulouse, 23rd June 2022)
- 1.7 European Robotics League - Local Tournament (León, May 2022)
- 1.8 Poster at Space Week (3rd May 2022)
- 1.9 Lida Sánchez presented our group activities in Albacete (31st March 2022)
- 1.10 Virgina Rego has got an accesit in the Jornadas de las científicas de Castilla y León (2022)
- 2 Old Activities
- 2.1 Francisco Rodríguez Lera at Fablab 2020 (18th July 2020)
- 2.2 Workshop on Security and Privacy in Robotics (ICRA 2020, June 2020)
- 2.3 Robot'2019 - International Conference (Porto, 20-22th November 2019)
- 2.4 CSfR 2019 - International Conference (Bilbao, 19th November 2019)
- 2.5 CyberWomen Challenge (León, 5th November 2019)
- 2.6 TEEM 2019 - International Conference (León, 16-18th October 2019)
- 2.7 SciRoc 2019 - The SciRoc Challenges (Milton Keynes, 18-21th September 2019)
- 2.8 European Robotics League - Local Tournament (Madrid, 1-5th October 2018)
- 2.9 European Robotics League - Local Tournament (León, 22-26th January 2018)
- 2.10 Evaluating Haptic Surgery System at the IV VetDoc (León, July 6-7th 2017)
- 2.11 In code we trust! Conference about Agile Testing and DevOps (León, May 9th 2017)
- 2.12 European Robotics League - Local Tournament (León, 13-17 March 2017)
- 2.13 RoboCup 2016 (Leipzig, Germany, 28 June - 4th July 2016)
- 2.14 Robotica 2016 and ICARSC 2016 (Bragança, Portugal, May 2016)
- 2.15 Francisco Lera's PhD dissertation (December 2015)
- 2.16 RoCKIn 2015 (Lisboa)
- 2.17 RoCKIn Event 2014 (Toulouse)
- 2.18 RoCKIn Camp 2014 (Rome)
- 2.19 Hack For Good 2013
- 3 Seminars
- 4 In the Press
- 5 RoboCup
Last Events
Day of women and girls in Science 2025
Visit of students to the lab.
International Autumn School on AI and Robotics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAIRSAS 2023 - 14-16th November)
The First International Autumn School on AI and Robotics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAIRSAS 2023).
CORESENSE Meeting in León 2023 (October 9-10th)
CORESENSE project partners met in León for the second plenary meeting.
Expociencia 2023
We have showed our robots in the Expociencia 2023
Day of the women in STEM 2023
We have participated in the International Day of women in STEM
Presentation at ROSCon-FR (Toulouse, 23rd June 2022)
European Robotics League - Local Tournament (León, May 2022)
We organized the 2002 León local tournament of the European Robotics League.
Poster at Space Week (3rd May 2022)
Miguel Ángel González Santamarta has presented a poster in the Space Resources Week.
Lida Sánchez presented our group activities in Albacete (31st March 2022)
Virgina Rego has got an accesit in the Jornadas de las científicas de Castilla y León (2022)
Old Activities
Francisco Rodríguez Lera at Fablab 2020 (18th July 2020)
Workshop on Security and Privacy in Robotics (ICRA 2020, June 2020)
Video of the panel in Vimeo.
Robot'2019 - International Conference (Porto, 20-22th November 2019)
CSfR 2019 - International Conference (Bilbao, 19th November 2019)
CyberWomen Challenge (León, 5th November 2019)
TEEM 2019 - International Conference (León, 16-18th October 2019)
SciRoc 2019 - The SciRoc Challenges (Milton Keynes, 18-21th September 2019)
European Robotics League - Local Tournament (Madrid, 1-5th October 2018)
European Robotics League - Local Tournament (León, 22-26th January 2018)
New local tournament of the European Robotics League.
Evaluating Haptic Surgery System at the IV VetDoc (León, July 6-7th 2017)
We have been testing the new version of the haptic surgery simulator at the { | IV Conference on Veterinary Medicine Education}
In code we trust! Conference about Agile Testing and DevOps (León, May 9th 2017)
- Tuesday May 9th (11:00 to 13:00)
- Location: Salón de Grados (EIII)
- Talk by Intelygenz
European Robotics League - Local Tournament (León, 13-17 March 2017)
We organized the León local tournament of the European Robotics League.
There were three teams participating:
- SPQReL from the Univesity of Rome (Italy) and Lincoln (UK)
- Outsiders from the University of Luxembourg
- Leonbot (our team)
RoboCup 2016 (Leipzig, Germany, 28 June - 4th July 2016)
The GentleBots team participate for the first time in the RoboCup@Home competition. Gentlebots is a joint team made up by the Robotics Group from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and our group
Robotica 2016 and ICARSC 2016 (Bragança, Portugal, May 2016)
The RoboCup Team traveled to Bragança to take part in Robotica 2016, the Portuguese National Robotic Festival that took place from May 4th to May 8th. In the same venue took place the IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems and Competitions where the group presented the paper.
Picture of the team in Bragança:
Francisco Lera's PhD dissertation (December 2015)
Francisco J. Lera just became the newest doctor of the group. His defense was held on December the 11th and he got a "Sobresaliente Cum Laude". Congratulations, Fran!
RoCKIn 2015 (Lisboa)
RoCKIn2015, the second competition event in the EU-funded robotics project RoCKIn, was held in Lisbon (Portugal), 21-23 November 2015.
It was a joint event with the ROBOT'2015, the Second Iberian Robotics Conference where we also presented a paper
RoCKIn Event 2014 (Toulouse)
(main article of this event here)
RoCKIn Camp 2014 (Rome)
(main article of this event here)
The team was in Rome testing the MYRABot robot. There, we learned different topics about vision, grasping, and natural language understanding. We tested the MB+ (MYRABot+) robot, a modification of MYRABot. Other robots were introduced in this competition, such as REEM from PAL Robotics.
Hack For Good 2013
Proposals for HackForGood can be found here.
3D Scanning and Printing
During the last two weeks Francisco Sedano gave a brief introduction to 3D prototyping technologies that can be applied to a wide variety of engineering applications. The training gave the students the knowledge to develop and use 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies.
- European Robotics Week Conference [| Low Cost Robots for RoCKIn Challenge ]November 27th, 2013
- Course Introduction to Mobile Robot Programming (4th edition). October 22nd to 26th , 2012
- Conference "Augmented reality for elderly medication control using a mobile robot" at the Curso de Verano Envejecimiento Activo. León, Julio 2012.
- Conference "The role of edutainment robotics in mechatronics research and teaching" by José Luis Lima and José Gonçalves from the Politechical Institute of Bragança, on November 4, 2011.
- Course Mobile Robot Programming, medium level (1st edition). March 2011.
- Seminar on BICA programming in the SPITeam for the RoboCup2011. Instructors: Francisco Martín and Carlos E. Agüero from URJC Robotics Group.
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/CursoBica.flv</wikiflv>
- Course Introduction to Mobile Robot Programming (3rd edition). December 9 to 23, 2010.
- Course Introduction to Mobile Robot Programming (2nd edition). March 8 to 12, 2010.
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/videoSumo20100312.flv</wikiflv>
- Course Mobile Robot programming. July 1 to 7, 2009.
- CompCog Workshop ESF on Held in the University of León, May 26 to 27, 2009.
- Introduction seminar to Nao programming (Instructor Dr. Francisco Martín Rico),
In the Press
- Vicente Matellán interview in COPE about "top 5 robots": Summay in
Instagram, Full interview in "Lo que viene" (COPE)
- Our robotic shepherd in Lo que viene, radio program (COPE), minute 18.
Group activities at Expociencia 2022
- Virginia Rego and Miguel A. Santamarta interview in local tv:
- Article in Leonoticias about [1] the use of Pepper robots in education (F. J. Rodríguez Sedano)
Premio Innova 2021
ULE's innovation Awards
- Claudia Álvarez, third prize in the ULE's Innovation Awards, article in
Ministry visit
- Spanish ministry and former astronaut (Pedro Duque) visited our university and the local newspaper frontpage showed our robot greeting him:
Universidad de León 2020 Challenge for prototypes and Proofs of Concept
- BRING Prototype
BRING: Biometric RecognItioN using Gait analysis
- IBEROO Prototype
Delivery robot 5G
SUFFER: SimUlation Framework for Education in Robotics
- Article in Leonoticias aboutULE+URJC
- Interview by AUVSI - Spain*
CyberWomen Challenge (León, 5th November 2019)
TEEM 2019 - International Conference (León, 16-18th October 2019)
- Article in Diario de León about the OrbiOne robot. We made the front page! (February 24th, 2016)
- Award Innovadores Castilla y Leon 2015 (El Mundo, 2015)
- Robots que medican y chalan, coverage by national newspaper of the group's activities (El Mundo, Dec, 2014)
- Innova Award to the best 2014 IT project, given by local newspaper (Diario de León).
- Article about Fernando's work on mobile robots Suplemento Innova (Diario de León)
- Juan Felipe was awarded the Young Talent 2012 title by Diario de León.
- Article about using mobile robots in La Crónica.
- Conference on social robotics applied to handicapped people. Organized by CRE:
- Information about the event at CRE's webpage.
- Press note at Diario de León.
- Press Note about Juan's PhD Viva.
- Yet another info in the local newspaper, about a project on robotics for security.
- The same one in the local TV:
- Another review in the local newspapers: Leonnoticias, and La Crónica, about the team entering the Mediterranean Open (Rome, March 18 to 20, 2010).
- Interview in the local newspaper (Diario de León): first one and second one.
- We were proud members of the Spanish Team (SPITeam) in the RoboCup Standard Platform providing a goalkeeper. SPITeam was a joint effort of the [robotics group] of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Rovira y Virgili University and Universidad de León. Last Team Description paper can be found here. Our last competition entrance was in Instambul 2011
- We were previously also proud members of the TeamChaos RoboCup SPL team. We have contributed the goalie to the team for the RoboCup 2009 and German Open 2009.