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the [3/12/2024] The Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Master Degree (MURIA) at the University of León has mainly been driven by the Grupo de Robótica. Within the University, the Master's is co-hosted by the Department of Mechanic Engineering, Computer, and Aerospace Sciences. This Universitary Master (the Spanish denomination for the officially certified Masters) proposes a practical perspective of the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Robotics. This Master program aims to generate a talent pool of engineers and innovative entrepreneurs for covering the jobs that Robotics startups and business companies are generating and will require to fill.

Web Page and registration

Master Oficial.png


This is the official wiki of the Robotics Group of the University of León (ULE). We are a group of researchers (faculty and students) interested in creating autonomous behaviour for mobile robots.


We are a "Consolidated Research Unit" (UIC-215) officially recognized by the Castilla y León goverment.

We are proud members of RedAF (Red Nacional de Investigación en Agentes Físicos), ReteCog (Red Temática de Ciencia Cognitiva), and Euron.

We run the "Leon@Home Testbed", an official testbed of the European Robotics League:



We are partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant RTC-2016-5166-4 (FEDER funds)

Ministerio Economía y Competitividad Fondos FEDER


Our lab is in the second floor of the MIC building (Módulo de Investigación en Cibernética - Cybernetics Research Module). If you are interested in our work, you are welcome to pay us a visit.


We also hang around the EIII (Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial e Informática - Engineering School), which is here.


We have been part of the ExpoCiencia 2022, this video (Spanish), summarizes the activities of our group: