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(To point objects (Escoja))
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==To point objects (Escoja)==
==To point objects (Escoja)==
We will use the previous program in order to control the [[MYRAbot's arm control (bioloid+arduino)|brazo] to point the selected object.
==Señalar objetos (Escoja)==
Usando la detección y cálculo de posición de objetos se ha desarrollado un programa para controlar el brazo y señalar el objeto que le indiquemos. Este programa se suscribe a los ''topics'' "point", que publica el programa anteriormente descrito, "selected_object", donde publicamos el identificador del objeto a señalar, y "pose_arm", donde se publican los datos del brazo. Publica en los ''topics'' "move_arm" y "hand_arm", donde se indican los movimientos del brazo. Al iniciar el programa el brazo se situará en su posición inicial y una vez publiquemos el número del identificador del objeto, se desplazará hasta señalarlo y pasado un breve período de tiempo, regresará a la posición de partida. Si indicamos el número del identificador de un objeto que no se encuentra en la escena, nos dará un mensaje de objeto no presente (el valor 100 se ha reservado para devolver el brazo a su posición inicial. Crearemos un archivo llamado "escoja.cpp" en el directorio "src", del ''package'' del [[Control brazo MYRAbot (bioloid+arduino)#Programas de control|brazo]], con el siguiente contenido:
Usando la detección y cálculo de posición de objetos se ha desarrollado un programa para controlar el brazo y señalar el objeto que le indiquemos. Este programa se suscribe a los ''topics'' "point", que publica el programa anteriormente descrito, "selected_object", donde publicamos el identificador del objeto a señalar, y "pose_arm", donde se publican los datos del brazo. Publica en los ''topics'' "move_arm" y "hand_arm", donde se indican los movimientos del brazo. Al iniciar el programa el brazo se situará en su posición inicial y una vez publiquemos el número del identificador del objeto, se desplazará hasta señalarlo y pasado un breve período de tiempo, regresará a la posición de partida. Si indicamos el número del identificador de un objeto que no se encuentra en la escena, nos dará un mensaje de objeto no presente (el valor 100 se ha reservado para devolver el brazo a su posición inicial. Crearemos un archivo llamado "escoja.cpp" en el directorio "src", del ''package'' del [[Control brazo MYRAbot (bioloid+arduino)#Programas de control|brazo]], con el siguiente contenido:

Revision as of 12:58, 6 January 2014

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Objects recognition

We have used the package find_object_2d which has been develop by Mathieu Labbé (Université de Sherbrooke). The program can recognizes objects in the scene using an image of the object. The program has a graphical user interface which allow to capture an image of the scene and save it.

Screenshot find_object_2d

In the screenshot that is shown above, we can see how the recognized object is within a boundary box which coincide with the corners of the object image.

The program provides several data of each found object in the scene. We will use the next data:

  • Width of the object image (number of pixels).
  • Height of the object image (number of pixels).
  • Position of the corners of the object image in the scene.

Utilization of a new OpenCV version in ROS Electric

The previous package needs in order to compile the OpenCV version 2.4.3 or higher, but ROS Electric has the OpenCV version 2.3.1. We will install the OpenCV version 2.4.3, modify the package cv_bridge and modify the package find_object_2d.

Installation of OpenCV

First we will download the OpenCV version 2.4.3 by the official web. We will extract the content of the downloaded file in the personal folder. We will execute the next commands in a terminal in order to update the ubuntu packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

When finish the update/upgrade, we will place us in the OpenCV folder in a terminal and execute the next commands in the terminal in order to compile:

mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

We will execute the next command in the terminal in order to configure OpenCV:

sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opencv.conf

We add the next code line to the opened file and save the changes:


Now, we will execute the next commands in a terminal:

sudo ldconfig
sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

We add the next code lines at the end of the opened file and save the changes:


We will restart the PC to finish the installation.

Modification of the package cv_bridge

We must modify the file "manifest.xml" of the package cv_bridge in order to avoid the use of the previous version of OpenCV. We will execute the next commands in a terminal:

roscd cv_bridge
sudo gedit manifest.xml

We will delete or comment the next code lines of the opened file:

<depend package="opencv2" />
<rosdep name="opencv2.3"/>

Modification of the package find_object_2d

We must modify the file "CMakeLists.txt" of the package find_object_2d in order to avoid the use of the previous version of OpenCV for the compilation. We will execute the next commands in a terminal:

roscd find_object_2d
sudo gedit CMakeLists.txt

We will modify the next code line of the opened file:

find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)


find_package(OpenCV 2.4 REQUIRED)

We have to add the next code lines to the file "CMakeLists.txt" in order to use a external OpenCV library to ROS, if the file don't have this lines.

find_package(OpenCV "VERSION" REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries("PROGRAM_NAME" ${OpenCV_LIBS})

Position calculation

We will use the data provided by the package find_object_2d in order to calculate the approximate position of the objects towards the MYRAbot's arm coordinates. We have to know the next physical parameters:

  • Position of the webcam towards the arm (h, d).
  • Tilt angle of the webcam towards the horizontal (α).
  • Perpendicular distance to the webcam lens of the objects when we take the capture (dZ0).
Sketch position calculation

We have used the variation of area of the boundary box in order to calculate the distance between the recognized object and the webcam lens. The obtained equations are shown below, we have calculated the parameters using different known positions of an object:

Webcam MYRAbot ecuaciones-en.jpg

Program to publish the position of the objects

First we will create some custom messages within the package "find_object_2d" in order to publish the position of the recognized objects in the scene. We will create the basis message that contains the identification and the placement point of the recognized object. We will create a file named "Point_id.msg" with the content that is shown below:

int16 id
geometry_msgs/Point punto

We will create a file named "PointObjects.msg" with the content that is shown below, in order to contain an array with the previous messages for each recognized object:

Point_id[] objeto

The program subscribes the topic "objects" (published by "find_object_2d_node") and publishes the topic "point". We will create a file named "objects_detected.cpp" within the package "find_object_2d" with the content that is shown below:

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float32MultiArray.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <QTransform>
#include <geometry_msgs/Point.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int16.h>
#include <find_object_2d/PointObjects.h>
#include <find_object_2d/Point_id.h>

#define dZ0 450
#define alfa 40
#define h 310
#define d 50
#define PI 3.14159265

void objectsDetectedCallback(const std_msgs::Float32MultiArray& msg)
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    ros::Publisher position_pub_=nh.advertise<find_object_2d::PointObjects>("point", 1);
    find_object_2d::PointObjects p_objects;
    find_object_2d::Point_id objeto;
    p_objects.objeto = std::vector<find_object_2d::Point_id>(msg.data.size()/12);
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<msg.data.size(); i+=12)
        // get data
        int id = (int)msg.data[i];
        float objectWidth = msg.data[i+1];
        float objectHeight = msg.data[i+2];

        // Find corners Qt
        QTransform qtHomography(msg.data[i+3], msg.data[i+4], msg.data[i+5],
                                msg.data[i+6], msg.data[i+7], msg.data[i+8],
                                msg.data[i+9], msg.data[i+10], msg.data[i+11]);

        QPointF qtTopLeft = qtHomography.map(QPointF(0,0));
        QPointF qtTopRight = qtHomography.map(QPointF(objectWidth,0));
        QPointF qtBottomLeft = qtHomography.map(QPointF(0,objectHeight));
        QPointF qtBottomRight = qtHomography.map(QPointF(objectWidth,objectHeight));
        geometry_msgs::Point punto;
	float widthTop = sqrt(pow(qtTopRight.x() - qtTopLeft.x(),2) + pow(qtTopRight.y() - qtTopLeft.y(),2));
	float widthBottom = sqrt(pow(qtBottomRight.x() - qtBottomLeft.x(),2) + pow(qtBottomRight.y() - qtBottomLeft.y(),2));
	float heightLeft = sqrt(pow(qtBottomLeft.x() - qtTopLeft.x(),2) + pow(qtBottomLeft.y() - qtTopLeft.y(),2));
	float heightRight = sqrt(pow(qtBottomRight.x() - qtTopRight.x(),2) + pow(qtBottomRight.y() - qtTopRight.y(),2));
        float dArea_0 = (objectHeight*objectWidth) - (((widthTop + widthBottom)/2) * ((heightLeft + heightRight)/2));

        float dZ_0 = dZ0 + (dArea_0/10);
        float dY_0 = (((480/2) - (((qtTopLeft.y() + qtTopRight.y())/2) + ((heightLeft + heightRight)/4)))*dZ_0)/585;                
        float beta_0 = atan2(dY_0,dZ_0);        
        objectHeight = objectHeight/cos((alfa*PI)/180);
        float height = ((heightLeft + heightRight)/2)/cos(((alfa*PI)/180)-beta_0);                    
        float dArea = (objectHeight*objectWidth) - (((widthTop + widthBottom)/2) * height);

        float dZ = dZ0 + (dArea/38);
        float dX = (((640/2) - (((qtTopLeft.x() + qtBottomLeft.x())/2) + ((widthTop + widthBottom)/4)))*dZ)/585;
        float dY = (((480/2) - (((qtTopLeft.y() + qtTopRight.y())/2) + ((heightLeft + heightRight)/4)))*dZ)/585;
        float beta = atan2(dY,dZ);
        punto.x = dX;
        punto.y = h-((dZ/cos(beta))*sin(((alfa*PI)/180)-beta));
        punto.z = ((dZ/cos(beta))*cos(((alfa*PI)/180)-beta))-d;
        //Validate detection
        int paralelepipedo;
        if (abs(widthTop - widthBottom) < 20 && abs(heightLeft - heightRight) < 15)
			paralelepipedo = 1;
			paralelepipedo = 0;
        if (paralelepipedo == 1)
			objeto.punto = punto;
			objeto.id = id;
			p_objects.objeto[i/12] = objeto;



int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "objects_detected");

    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    ros::Subscriber subs = nh.subscribe("objects", 1, objectsDetectedCallback);

    ros::Publisher position_pub_=nh.advertise<find_object_2d::PointObjects>("point", 1);  


    return 0;

Compiling the program

We have to add the next code lines at the end to the file "CMakeLists.txt" of the package "find_object_2d", in order to compile and create the executable file:

rosbuild_add_executable(objects_detected src/objects_detected.cpp)
target_link_libraries(objects_detected ${LIBRARIES})

We will execute the next commands in a terminal:

roscd find_object_2d

Executing the program

We have to install the package "camera_umd" in order to launch our USB webcam. We will execute the next command in a terminal in order to launch the webcam:

rosrun uvc_camera camera_node
  • note: If we have plugged several USB webcams, we have to set the webcam that we want to use (default webcam is "/dev/video0"). We will execute the next command in a terminal in order to change the used device:
rosparam set uvc_camera/device /dev/video"DEVICE_NUMBER"

We will create a file named "encontrar_objetos.launch" within the folder "launch" of the package "find_object_2d" with the content that is shown below, in order to launch the webcam, the find_object_2d program and our program:

  <node name="camera_node" pkg="uvc_camera" type="camera_node">
    <param name="/device" value="/dev/videoNÚMERO_DE_NUESTRO_DISPOSITIVO"/>
  <node name="find_object_2d" pkg="find_object_2d" type="find_object_2d">
    <remap from="image" to="image_raw"/>
  <node name="objects_detected" pkg="find_object_2d" type="objects_detected" />

We will execute the next command in a terminal in order to start the launcher:

roslaunch find_object_2d encontrar_objetos.launch

To point objects (Escoja)

We will use the previous program in order to control the [[MYRAbot's arm control (bioloid+arduino)|brazo] to point the selected object.

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