- Course Programación de robots móviles. Nivel Medio (1st edition) March 2011.
- Conference on social robotics applied to handicaped. Organized by CRE:
Information about the event at ([CRE's webpage])
Press Note [Diario de León]
- Press Note about [Juan's PhD Viva]
- Yet another info in local newspaper [about a project on robotics for security]
- Course Introducción a la Programación de robots móviles(3rd edition) 9-23rd Dec 2010.
- Course Introducción a la Programación de robots móviles (2nd edition) 8-12th March 2010.
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/videoSumo20100312.flv</wikiflv>
- Another review in the local newspapers [in Leonnoticias], [La Crónica] about the team entering the [Mediterranean Open] (Rome, 18-20 March, 2010)
- Interview in the local newspaper (Diario de León)[first one] and [second one].
- Course Programación de robots móviles 1-7th July 2009
- We are proud members of the TeamChaos RoboCup SPL team. We have contributed the goalie to the team for the RoboCup 2009 and German Open 2009
- CompCog Workshop ESF on Held in the University of León 26-27th May 2009.
- Introduction seminar to Nao programming (Instructor Dr. Francisco Martín Rico)