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Catedra Telefónica: Augmented Reality in tele-assitence of elderly people

Project Presentation

  • Project Name:
Augmented Reality in tele-assitence of elderly people
  • Staff:
Director:Francisco Javier Lera
Co-Director: Juan Felipe García Sierra
Technical Software:Álvaro Botas (Grant)
Technical Hardware:Carlos Rodríguez
  • Other Information:
* Academic Year: 2011-2012
* SVN Repositories: soon	... Alfa version on demand.
* Tags: Augmented Reality, Elderly people, Tele-Assistence
* Technology: c++, svn, OpenCV, cmake, OpenGL, Qt, Aruco
* State: Development


Offcial Web Page

The main objective of this project is the development of an autonomous system with Augmented Reality. This will be apply in two differents contexts:

  1. Day2Day help to elderly people in their home.
  2. A generic teleassistance system.


Our first aproach to this project was to implement all of our software to work directly with a tabletPC or with a PC, but our main idea is to deploy our development in a robot.

The robot election was hard. Latetly a few robot systems are available. The main difference between them can be made as:

  1. Economic solution
  2. Easy and large group of development

First approach, economic solutions. We can afford robots like Rovio WowWee, a toy that during a year we use to make differents final project and robotics courses. The price is almost 300 € by unit. Last year we develop our kernel development allowing us to avoid low level development an center in a high level projects like augmented reality.

The second approach, is based in the use of a robot taken in account how many people are working with it, and how that can be improve our development and decrease our low level problems, for instance, problems with hardware - software synchronization.

Well, the idea of our project is make an application that could be easily applicable. But we will need to apply in many environments to test and validate our proposal. For this reason an expensive robot solutions can not be used.

In last years, Willow Garage has been a reference for most robotics labs. In this way ,their robot turtlebot, seemed to fit our needs. The price of this robot was almost 1.2K € and the software available to development was ROS (Robot Operating System). ROS libraries can allow us to afford developments using common languages like C++ or Python. Also it presents a big robotics community that we can use as a information source and a place where we can present our works

Details of Turtlebot and TurtleRoomBot (our turtlebot solution following WillowGarage Turtlebot design)

Technical resume


First Phase: Myra

The team code name is MYRA (Mayores y Realidad Aumentada, elderly and augmented reality in spanish). This development comes from a experimental test carry on in our lab applying AR (augmented reality) in teleoperation tasks.

The components by technologie are:

- C++:

- ArUco: a minimal library for Augmented Reality applications based on OpenCv

- Qt:

- OpenCv
