MYRAbot model for simulation (urdf+gazebo)
Components of MYRAbot model
We have started creating a model of the MYRAbot's structure and we have added the mobile base Roomba, the kinect camera, the arm model and the webcam Logitech Webcam Pro 9000.
First, we will create a new package with the necessary dependences for our programs (urdf std_msgs sensor_msgs tf roscpp). We will execute the next commands in a terminal:
cd ~/ros_workspace
roscreate-pkg myrabot_fer_modelo urdf std_msgs sensor_msgs tf roscpp
URDF MYRAbot's structure
We have made the 3D model of the structure with a CAD software which we use the parts with a complex geometry.
[[file:estructura_MYRAbot_modelo.jpg|thumb|500px|center|3D CAD design of MYRAbot's structure]