A sonification device for comparing rhythmic abilities in human and non-human primates
- Project Leader: Andrea Ravignani (Dpt. of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna)
- Hardware Support:
- Supervision (León): Vicente Matellán Olivera
- Supervision (Vienna): Bruno Gingras & W. Tecumseh Fitch
- European Science Foundation: Exchange Visit Grant awarded to A. Ravignani by the CompCog ESF Research Networking Programme “The Evolution of Social Cognition: Comparisons and integration across a wide range of human and non-human animal species”
- European Research Council: A. Ravignani is supported by ERC Advanced Grant 230604 SOMACCA "The Syntax of the Mind: A Computational Comparative Approach" awarded to W. T. Fitch.
Work Plan/Diary
Week 1:
- Clarification of the objectives of the visit.
- Exploring and evaluating different possibilities for acquiring (sensors) and processing (software) data.
- Making sense of patterns in the data provided by different sensors.
Week 2:
- Initial calibration of Prototype 1.
- Developing design ideas for Prototype 2.