MYRAbot's arm control (bioloid+arduino)
Bioloid arm
The arm that we will use is that Carlos Rodríguez Hernández developed in the project MYRA Robot: Hardware Update . The main components are:
Photograph of Bioloid arm.
- Arduino mega 2560 board.
- 74LS241 chip (tree-state Buffer).
- Voltage regulator circuit.
- 5 serial servo motors Dynamixel AX-12A.
- Mounting components of Bioloid kit.
- Parts made for the gripper and to fix to MYRAbot.
Arduino IDE and rosserial
For the communication among arduino and ROS, we install arduino IDE and rosserial (package de ROS which include the package rosserial_arduino with the libraries for arduino. We will start to installing arduino IDE, for this, we will execute the next commands in a terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install arduino arduino-core
When the installation of arduino software ends, we will install the ROS package. For this, we will execute the next command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install ros-ROS_DISTRO-rosserial
When we will have installed arduino IDE and the package rosserial, we must copy the libraries for the package rosserial_arduino to the sketchbook of arduino.