This is the official wiki of the Robotics Group of the University of León (ULE). We are a group of researchers (faculty and students) interested in creating autonomous behaviour for mobile robots.
We are proud members of RedAF (Red Nacional de Investigación en Agentes Físicos), ReteCog (Red Temática de Ciencia Cognitiva), and Euron.
We are usually in the F6 lab of the Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial e Informática (EIII) in León (Spain). If you are interested in our work, you are welcome to pay us a visit.
(June 16, 2014) CeRVaNTeS platform. First steps and proof of concept:
RoCKIn camp participation. Our team attended the first school of RoCKIn. There they tested the performance of the MYRABot system in a competition environment. Also, the members participated in the lectures and in the practical sessions about basic software infrastructure, perception, manipulation and human robot interaction through speech.