Revision as of 21:28, 11 November 2010 by WikiSheriff (talk | contribs)
The current work with AR.Drone from Parrot consists of evaluate different ways to interface a PC with AR.Drone.
Interfacing with AR.Drone
Controlling the AR.Drone using the Wii-mote on ROS
- Install [ROS]
- Download the Mobile Robotics Lab at SIUE repository [siue-ros-pkg]. This repository contains two packages ardrone_driver and ardrone_teleop which must to be installed in the stacks directory.
- Verify AR.Drone boot sequence is completed and we can observe green leds on the bottom.
- Enable the WIFI connection with the AR.Drone.
- Launching ROS kernel:
:~$ roscore
- Loading drone driver:
:~$ rosrun ardrone_driver ardrone_driver
This command connects drone at localhost address.
- Running the node to operate the drone
:~$ rosrun ardrone_teleop ardrone_teleop.
In ardrone_driver directory we can find a script to launch both nodes, the driver and remote operating. To launch this script use:
:~$ roslaunch <$ROS_ARDRONE_DRIVER_PATH>/ardrone_wiimote_teleop.launch
- To use the wiimote, run the python script into the wiimote packages
:~$ rosrun wiimote
- Wiimote application is waiting to press buttons 1 and 2 during at least 6 seconds. Next image describes the control layout
- Finally the drone flying:
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/Ar.drone.ros.flv</wikiflv>
Using URBI to monitor and control AR.Drone
- Video trial:
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/Ar.drone.urbi.flv</wikiflv>