CeRVaNTeS' Teleoperation with xbox360 wireless controller (xbox360 controller+joy)

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MYRAbot's Teleoperation with xbox360 wireless controller (xbox360 controller+joy)

xbox360 controller

Description of buttons and axes

This controller has 6 axes and 14 buttons that are distributed like is shown below:

  • Left pad: 2 axes and 1 button.
  • Right pad: 2 axes and 1 button.
  • Left trigger: 1 axe.
  • Right trigger: 1 axe.
  • Cross: 4 buttons.
  • Left side buttons: 4 buttons.
  • Left button: 1 button.
  • Right button: 1 button.
  • "Back" button: 1 button.
  • "Start" button: 1 button.

The function assigned to the buttons and axes of the xbox360 controller for teleoperation of CeRVaNTeS is shown in the next picture:

Funcionalidad xbox360 controller for CeRVaNTeS.


  #include "ros/ros.h"  
  #include <cervantes_epos_manager/GroupEPOSControl.h>
  #include <cervantes_epos_manager/EPOSControl.h>
  #include <cervantes_epos_manager/GroupMotorInfo.h>
  #include <cervantes_epos_manager/MotorInfo.h>
  #include "geometry_msgs/Point.h"
  #include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h"
  #include <tf/transform_listener.h>
  #include <tf_conversions/tf_eigen.h>
  #include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
  #include "geometry_msgs/Point.h"
  #include "sensor_msgs/JointState.h"    
  #include "sensor_msgs/Joy.h"
  #include "math.h"
  // MoveIt!
  #include <moveit/robot_model_loader/robot_model_loader.h>
  #include <moveit/robot_model/robot_model.h>
  #include <moveit/robot_state/robot_state.h>

  #define PI 3.14159265

double avance = 0.005, giro = 0.05;
double avance_base = 0.05, giro_base = 0.1;
int start = 0;
int flanco = 0;

geometry_msgs::Twist base;

double pad_izquierda_x, pad_izquierda_y, gatillo_izquierda, pad_derecha_x, pad_derecha_y, gatillo_derecha;
int boton_a, boton_b, boton_izquierda, boton_x, boton_y, boton_derecha, boton_back, boton_start, boton_pad_izquierda, boton_pad_derecha, cruz_izquierda, cruz_derecha, cruz_arriba, cruz_abajo;
  void xbox(const sensor_msgs::Joy& xbox_joystick)   
	::pad_izquierda_x = xbox_joystick.axes[0];
	::pad_izquierda_y = xbox_joystick.axes[1];
	::gatillo_izquierda = xbox_joystick.axes[2] -1;
	::pad_derecha_x = xbox_joystick.axes[3];
	::pad_derecha_y = xbox_joystick.axes[4];
	::gatillo_derecha = xbox_joystick.axes[5] -1;
	::boton_a = xbox_joystick.buttons[0];
	::boton_b = xbox_joystick.buttons[1];
	::boton_x = xbox_joystick.buttons[2];
	::boton_y = xbox_joystick.buttons[3];
	::boton_izquierda = xbox_joystick.buttons[4];
	::boton_derecha = xbox_joystick.buttons[5];
	::boton_back = xbox_joystick.buttons[6];
	::boton_start = xbox_joystick.buttons[7];
	::boton_pad_izquierda = xbox_joystick.buttons[9];
	::boton_pad_derecha = xbox_joystick.buttons[10];	
	::cruz_izquierda = xbox_joystick.buttons[11];
	::cruz_derecha = xbox_joystick.buttons[12];
	::cruz_arriba = xbox_joystick.buttons[13];
	::cruz_abajo = xbox_joystick.buttons[14];	
  int main(int argc, char **argv)
	ros::init(argc, argv, "teleoperador_xbox360");   
	ros::NodeHandle n;  
  	ros::Subscriber joystick_sub_= n.subscribe("joy", 1, xbox); 
	ros::Publisher move_pub_=n.advertise<cervantes_epos_manager::GroupEPOSControl>("Group_Motor_Control", 1);   
	ros::Publisher base_pub_=n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("Base_Control", 1); 
	robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoader robot_model_loader("robot_description");
	robot_model::RobotModelPtr kinematic_model = robot_model_loader.getModel();

	robot_state::RobotStatePtr kinematic_state(new robot_state::RobotState(kinematic_model));

	const robot_state::JointModelGroup* joint_model_group = kinematic_model->getJointModelGroup("brazo");
	std::vector<double> joint_values;
	std::vector<std::string> joint_names;
	joint_names = joint_model_group->getJointModelNames();
	Eigen::Affine3d end_effector_state, end_effector_state_i;
	int cont = 0;
        ros::Rate loop_rate(5);	
	while (ros::ok())
		end_effector_state = kinematic_state->getGlobalLinkTransform("muneca_c_link");
		if (cont == 0)
			end_effector_state_i = end_effector_state;
			cont = 1;
			if (::boton_start != 0 && ::flanco == 0)
				flanco = 1;
				if (::boton_start != 0)
					::flanco = 2;
					::flanco = 0;
			if (::boton_start != 0 && ::flanco == 1)
				if (::start == 0)
					::start = 1;
					::start = 0;
			if (::start == 1)

				if (::pad_derecha_x > 0.2 || ::pad_derecha_x < -0.2 || pad_derecha_y > 0.2 || pad_derecha_y < -0.2 ||
					(::gatillo_izquierda < -0.2 && ::gatillo_izquierda != -1) || 
					(::gatillo_derecha < -0.2 && ::gatillo_derecha != -1) || 
					::cruz_izquierda !=  0 || ::cruz_derecha !=  0 || ::cruz_arriba != 0 || ::cruz_abajo != 0 || 
					::boton_back != 0 || 
					::boton_izquierda != 0 || ::boton_derecha != 0)
					if (::boton_back != 0)
						end_effector_state = end_effector_state_i;

					if (::pad_derecha_x > 0.2 || ::pad_derecha_x < -0.2)
						end_effector_state.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, ::pad_derecha_x * avance));
					if (::pad_derecha_y > 0.2 || ::pad_derecha_y < -0.2)
						end_effector_state.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(0, -::pad_derecha_y * avance, 0));
					if (::gatillo_izquierda < -0.2 && ::gatillo_izquierda != -1)
						end_effector_state.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(::gatillo_izquierda * (avance/2), 0, 0));
					if (::gatillo_derecha < -0.2 && ::gatillo_derecha != -1)
						end_effector_state.translate(Eigen::Vector3d(-::gatillo_derecha * (avance/2), 0, 0));
					if (::cruz_arriba !=  0)
						end_effector_state.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(-giro, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
					if (::cruz_abajo !=  0)
						end_effector_state.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(giro, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()));
					if (::cruz_derecha !=  0)
						end_effector_state.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(giro, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()));
					if (::cruz_izquierda !=  0)
						end_effector_state.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(-giro, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()));
					if (::boton_derecha != 0)
						end_effector_state.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(giro, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()));
					if (::boton_izquierda != 0)
						end_effector_state.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(-giro, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()));

					bool found_ik = kinematic_state->setFromIK(joint_model_group, end_effector_state, 5, 0.1);
					if (found_ik)
						cervantes_epos_manager::GroupEPOSControl arm;
						std::vector<cervantes_epos_manager::EPOSControl> motor_group;
						cervantes_epos_manager::EPOSControl motor_control;	
						kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group, joint_values);
						for(int i = 0; i < joint_names.size(); i++)
							if (joint_names[i] == "hombro_a")
								motor_control.node_id = 3;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(246*1024);
							else if (joint_names[i] == "hombro_b")
								motor_control.node_id = 5;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(246*1024);
							else if (joint_names[i] == "codo_a")
								motor_control.node_id = 4;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(246*1024);
							else if (joint_names[i] == "codo_b")
								motor_control.node_id = 6;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(246*1024);
							else if (joint_names[i] == "muneca_a")
								motor_control.node_id = 7;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(270*1024);
							else if (joint_names[i] == "muneca_b")
								motor_control.node_id = 9;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(270*16);
							else if (joint_names[i] == "muneca_c")
								motor_control.node_id = 8;
								motor_control.setpoint = (joint_values[i]/(2*PI))*(270*16);
							motor_control.control_mode = 3;
						arm.motor_group = motor_group;
						ROS_INFO("Did not find IK solution");
					if (::boton_a != 0)
						::avance_base = ::avance_base - 0.01;
						if (::avance_base < 0.01)
							::avance_base = 0.01;
					if (::boton_b != 0)
						::avance_base = ::avance_base + 0.1;
						if (::avance_base > 0.1)
							::avance_base = 0.1;
					if (::pad_izquierda_y > 0.2 || ::pad_izquierda_y < -0.2)
						::base.linear.x = ::avance_base * ::pad_izquierda_y;
						::base.linear.x = 0.0;
					if (::boton_x != 0)
						::giro_base = ::giro_base - 0.01;
						if (::giro_base < 0.05)
							::giro_base = 0.05;
					if (::boton_y != 0)
						::giro_base = ::giro_base + 0.01;
						if (::giro_base > 1)
							::giro_base = 1;
					if (::pad_izquierda_x > 0.2 || ::pad_izquierda_x < -0.2)
						::base.angular.z = ::giro_base * ::pad_izquierda_x;
						::base.angular.z = 0.0;
        return 0;

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