- Project Name:
Augmented Reality in tele-assitence of elderly people
- Staff:
Director:Francisco Javier Lera Co-Director: Juan Felipe García Sierra Technical Software:Álvaro Botas (Grant) Technical Hardware:Carlos Rodríguez
- Other Information:
* Academic Year: 2011-2012 * SVN Repositories: soon ... Alfa version on demand. * Tags: Augmented Reality, Elderly people, Tele-Assistence * Technology: c++, svn, OpenCV, cmake, OpenGL, Qt, Aruco * State: Development
Catedra Telefónica: Augmented Reality in tele-assitence of elderly people
- Resume
We are going to adapt part of our software to work with ROS. There are many reasons to that that we are going to present along this page.
- Turtlebot and TurtleRoombot
We bought with project money one Turtlebot. The main reason was that it is selled fully mounted and installed, and this could make easy the start of our software integration, that we thought, however ...
A few weeks ago and thanks to one collaborator we decided to build our selves the components to communication with a Roomba, the twin robot of iCreate, original base that Turtlebot mounts. And now we have a fully work re-design of official connector.
Now we can say that it's working, now we need to build an estructure, to make it more reliable and a Turtlebot look!
<wikiflv width="640" height="480" logo="true">/videos/roomba_ok.flv</wikiflv>
We are going to present our development.
The team code name is MYRA (Mayores y Realidad Aumentada, elderly and augmented reality in spanish). This development comes from a experimental test carry on in our lab applying AR (augmented reality) in teleoperation tasks.
The components by technologie are:
- C++:
- ArUco: a minimal library for Augmented Reality applications based on OpenCv
- Qt:
- OpenCv
By now, our code is a chaos, but if you want to test it before our alfa release, please feel free to email us