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=Current members=
The robotics group of the University of León is currently made up by:
The robotics group of the University of León is currently made up by:
# [http://robotica.unileon.es/~vmo Vicente Matellán Olivera]
# Coordinator: [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/camino-fern%C3%A1ndez-llamas/2b/169/74 Dr. Camino Fernández Llamas]
# Camino Fernández Llamas
# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Manuel_Limas Dr. Manuel Castejón Limas]
# Juan Felipe García Sierra
# [[Miguel-A-Conde | Dr. Miguel Ángel Conde González]]
# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Angel_Guerrero-Higueras Dr. Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras]
# [http://robotica.unileon.es/~vmo Dr. Vicente Matellán Olivera]  
# [[Francisco-phd | Dr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera]]
# [https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=en&user=-GU4M_QAAAAJ Dr. Francisco Jesús Rodríguez Sedano]
# [https://portalcientifico.unileon.es/investigadores/97428/detalle Dra. Lidia Sánchez González]
# [https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=en&user=B7UJHGEAAAAJ Claudia Álvarez Aparicio]
# [https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=en&user=-dF5ojYAAAAJ Adrián Campazas Vega]
# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miguel-A-Gonzalez-Santamarta Miguel Ángel González Santamarta]
# [https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=en&user=8PGwJjYAAAAJ Alexis Gutiérrez Fernández]
# [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qaVmdMwAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao Virginia Riego del Castillo]
<!-- # [[User:Victorm | Víctor Rodríguez]] ([[PhD-3D-Object-Tracking|3D object recognition and tracking]]) (October 2011 - ) -->
<!-- # [[User:Fernando | Fernando Casado García]] ([[Mobile manipulation]]) -->
<!-- # Diego García Ordás (3D object recognition and tracking) (January 2016 - ) -->
'''PhD students'''
'''PhD students'''
# Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera ([[Catedraproject2012 | Augmented reality for human-robot interaction]]) (Oct 2009 - )
# Francisco Borja Garnelo
# Víctor Rodríguez ([[PhD-3D-Object-Tracking | 3D object tracking and recognition]]) (Oct 2011 - )
# Ignacio Samuel Crespo Martínez
# Gonzalo Esteban (Haptic interaction) (Oct 2011 - )
# Pablo Escapa Gordón
# Fernando García Diaz-Calvo (Autonomous behavior generation in mobile robots) (Oct 2012 - )
# [https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Laura-Fern%C3%A1ndez-Becerra/2003195124 Laura Fernández Becerra]
# Jesús Fernández Fernández
# [https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Irene-Gonz'alez/2215816892 Irene González Fernández]
# Santiago Merino Bajo
# [https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/David-Sobr%C3%ADn-Hidalgo/2215807275 David Sobrín Hidalgo]
#[http://homepage.univie.ac.at/andrea.ravignani/ Andrea Ravignani] (Univ. Wien, Austria)  working on [[Comparative-Cognition | Comparative Cognition ]]  (Oct 2012 - Dec 2012)
#[http://souzamarcelo.weebly.com Marcelo de Souza] (Santa Catarina State University / [http://www.udesc.br UDESC] / CEAVI [Brasil]) -  working on [[Marcelo-TurtleBot | Navigation Algorithms for Turtlebot ]] (Oct 2012 - Feb 2013)
#[http://neithan.weebly.com/ Jesús Martínez Gómez] Univ. Castilla la Mancha (2008)
'''MSc students'''
<!-- # [https://litios.github.io/ David Fernandez Gonzalez] -->
# Raúl Bayón Martínez
# [https://es.linkedin.com/in/abel-carnicero-mayo-133316257 Abel Carnicero Mayo]
# Saúl Corrales Fernández
# [https://es.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-gonzález-cantón-322750255 Alejandro González Cantón]
# [https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=6553357 Laura Inyesto Alonso]
# [https://es.linkedin.com/in/beatriz-jové-de-castro-7b283a255 Beatriz Jové de Castro]
# Alberto Miguel Díez
# Luis Prieto López
''Current Students''
'''Undergrad students'''
* Master in Cybernetics:
# David García Franco
# Isidoro Gayo Vélez [[Isidoro-TFM-Rovio02 | Using rovio for tele-surveillance]]. January 2011 -
# Julio San Román [[Julio-TFM-TurtleBot01 | AR on turtlebot ]]. March 2010 -
* Degree:
# David Llamas [[David-PFC-ROS3 | AR in ROS ]] November 2012 -
# Julia Pérez del Rio. [[JuliaP-PFC-Modular01 | Modular Robotics]] November 2012-
# Jesús Balsa Comerón [[JesusB-PFC-Nao01 | Nao Control]]. March 2011 -
<!-- '''Technician'''
# Adrián Mañanes Castro -->
# [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kY-cG0cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra Jean Chrysostome Mayoko Biong] from Université de Kiwit (R. D. Congo) (Sept 2024 - )
# [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_r20fQEAAAAJ Félix Escalona] from Universidad de Alicante (Dec 2021 - Feb 2022)
# [https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=NxJLrBAAAAAJ Francisco Gomez-Donoso] Universidad de Alicante (April 2021 - May 2021)
# [https://www.linkedin.com/in/maidana/ Wellington Maidana] and [https://cedri.ipb.pt/people/research-fellowships/tiago-franco Tiago Franco]. CeDRI ( Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics) de Bragança. (January 2021)
# [https://ie.linkedin.com/in/pierreaumjaud/en Pierre Aumjaud] from School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University College Dublin. (February - May 2020). ([https://github.com/PierreExeter/jaco-gym | Jaco gym])
# [http://bence.ferdinandy.com/ Bence Ferdinandy] from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary. (February - March 2018)
# [https://ipb-pt.academia.edu/ThadeuBrito Thadeu Vinicius de Brito] from Brasil and Bragança, (Portugal) (2017)
# [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/t%C3%A2nia-carrera/72/164/1a3 Tânia Carrera] from Bragança, Portugal ([[ Tania-TFM-ROS04|Kinect with ROS and PCL]]) (February - June 2013)
# [http://souzamarcelo.weebly.com Marcelo de Souza] from Santa Catarina State University, [http://www.udesc.br UDESC]/CEAVI, Brasil ([[Marcelo-TurtleBot|Navigation Algorithms for Turtlebot]]) (October 2012 - February 2013)
# [http://homepage.univie.ac.at/andrea.ravignani/ Andrea Ravignani] from the University of Wien, Austria ([[Comparative-Cognition|Comparative Cognition]]) (October - December 2012)
# [http://neithan.weebly.com/ Jesús Martínez Gómez] from the University of Castilla la Mancha (2008 - 2009)
''Year 2011-2012:''
=Past members=
* Master in Cybernetics:
# [[AlvaroB-TFM-ROS01 | Álvaro Botas]]. November 2011 - July 2012
# [https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=en&user=OrhMdFUAAAAJ Gonzalo Esteban Costales]
# [[Fernando-TFM-ROS02 | Fernando Casado]]. January 2012 - July 2012
# [http://albertomgv.com/ Alberto Miranda García]
''Year 2010-2011:''
* PhD:
# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Laura_Fernandez-Robles Dra. Laura Fernández Robles]
# Juan Felipe García Sierra. [https://buleria.unileon.es/handle/10612/815 Aportaciones a la computación de atención visual y aplicación al control de un robot humanoide]. (PhD Viva: 14th January 2011)
# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luis_Calderita Luis Vicente Calderita]
* Master in Cybernetics:
# Víctor Rodríguez ([[TFM-Nao-Goalkeeper | Implementing a RoboCup goalie with Nao using BICA]]). December 2010 - June 2011
* Graduate Students:
* Degree (undergrad students):
# [[ElenaO-RV-proy1 | Elena Ortega]]. November 2010 - September 2011
# [https://albertofdr.github.io/ Alberto Fernández de Retana Fernández]
# [[AlvaroB-PFC-Drone02 | Alvaro Botas]]. November 2010 - September 2011
# Javier Fernandez Mayo
# [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eloy_Garcia Dr. Eloy García Marcos]
# David Sobrin Hidalgo
# María del Carmen Calvo Olivera
# Laura Inyesto Alonso
# Alba de Pedro López
# Eva Hernández García
# Adriana Yugueros
# Pablo Blanco Medina
# Flavio Rodrigues Diaz
# Razvan Radacu
# Jesús Balsa Comerón
* Graduate Students:
# Diego García Ordás (3D object recognition and tracking)
# [[User:Fernando | Fernando Casado García]] ([[Mobile manipulation]])
* Graduate Student:
# [[User:Victorm | Víctor Rodríguez]] ([[PhD-3D-Object-Tracking|3D object recognition and tracking]])
* Summer research residence
# Rubén Rodríguez Fernández ([[Ruben-RV-ROS01|Turtlebot Navigation]]) (July 2013 - )
* Master students:
# [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/aitana-alonso-nogueira/5b/174/572?trk=pub-pbmap Aitana Alonso Nogueira] ([[Aitana-TFM-kinect-ROS05|Human tracking and recognition]]) ([[Aitana-TFM-Android-MYRA|Evolución de la Solución de Asistencia MYRA para su Despliegue en Plataformas Android]]) (September 2013 - September 2014)
* Summer research residence (undergrad)
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/jose-%C3%A1lvaro-fern%C3%A1ndez-%C3%A1lvarez/65/a00/344 Jose Álvaro Fernández Álvarez] ([[Alvaro-RV-HAPTICROS01|Haptics and ROS]]) (July - September 2013)
* PhD students
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/fernando-garc%C3%ADa-d%C3%ADaz-calvo/3b/b74/b16 Fernando García Diaz-Calvo] (Autonomous behavior generation in mobile robots) (October 2012 - discontinued)
* Master students
# Carlos Rodríguez Hernández ([[Carlos-TFM-MYRABot01|MYRA Robot: Hardware Update]]) (January - September 2013)
* Undergrad students
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/david-llamas-abad/88/548/9b6 David Llamas Abad] ([[David-PFC-ROS3|AR in ROS]])
# Julia Pérez del Río ([[JuliaP-PFC-Modular01|Modular robotics]])
* Master students
# Isidoro Gayo Vélez ([[Isidoro-TFM-Rovio02|Using rovio for tele-surveillance]]) (January 2011 - discontinued)
# [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/alvaro-botas-mu%C3%B1oz/3a/517/90 Álvaro Botas Muñoz] ([[AlvaroB-TFM-ROS01 |AR Drone]]) (November 2011 - July 2012)
# [[User:Fernando | Fernando Casado García]] ([[Fernando-TFM-ROS02|Controlling Turtlebot with ROS]]) (January 2012 - July 2012)
* Undergrad students
# Jesús Balsa Comerón ([[JesusB-PFC-Nao01|Nao Control]]) (March 2011 - discontinued)
* PhD students
# [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/juan-felipe-garc%C3%ADa-sierra/65/44a/715?trk=pub-pbmap Juan Felipe García Sierra] ([https://buleria.unileon.es/handle/10612/815 Aportaciones a la computación de atención visual y aplicación al control de un robot humanoide])
* Master students
# Pablo Lobato Criado ([[PabloL-Rovio04|Navigation with ROS and Rovio]])
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/v%C3%ADctor-manuel-gonz%C3%A1lez-mateos/38/356/827 Víctor Manuel González Mateos] ([[VictorM-TFM-Rovio03|Navigation with Rovio]])
# Julio San Román Gutiérrez (Augmented reality on turtlebot) (March 2010 - discontinued)
# [[User:Victorm | Víctor Rodríguez]] ([[TFM-Nao-Goalkeeper|Implementing a RoboCup goalie with Nao using BICA]]) (October 2010 - July 2011)
* Undergrad students
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/elena-ortega-fern%C3%A1ndez/35/aa/b17 Elena Ortega Fernández] ([[ElenaO-RV-proy1|NaoQI and BICA]]) (November 2010 - September 2011)
# [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/alvaro-botas-mu%C3%B1oz/3a/517/90 Álvaro Botas Muñoz] ([[AlvaroB-PFC-Drone02|AR Drone]]) (November 2010 - September 2011)
* Other
* Other
# [[MarioCL-Drone01 | Mario Castro de Lera]] (Robotics course of the Master in Cybernetics)
# [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/mario-castro-de-lera/14/886/3b9 Mario Castro de Lera] from the Robotics course of the Master in Cybernetics ([[MarioCL-Drone01|AR Drone]])
# [[AngelR-PFC-Drone01 | Ángel Rojo Román]]. November 2010 - Sep 2011 (Sistemas informáticos)
# [https://co.linkedin.com/pub/angel-rojo-roman/45/54a/0 Ángel Rojo Román] from the subject of Sistemas informáticos (Computer Systems) ([[AngelR-PFC-Drone01|AR Drone]]) (November 2010 - September 2011)
''Year 2009-2010:''
* Master in Cybernetics:
* Master students
# [[VictorFV-TFM-Cenital | Víctor Fidalgo]]. MSc. Viva: September 2010.
# Julio San Román Gutiérrez ([[JulioSR-TFM-Rovio01|Augmented reality for teleoperation of a Rovio robot]])
* Summer Research Residence:
# [https://es.linkedin.com/in/vfidalgo Víctor Fidalgo Villar] ([[VictorFV-TFM-Cenital|Ball tracking with overhead camera]])
# [[ElenaO-RV-proy1 | Elena Ortega]], July- September 2010
* Undergrad students
# [[HectorQ-RV-proy2 | Hector Quintian]], July - September 2010
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/pablo-flecha-guti%C3%A9rrez/24/907/973 Pablo Flecha Gutiérrez]
* Degree (undergrad students):
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/david-mart%C3%ADnez-mart%C3%ADnez/61/656/176 David Martínez Martínez] ([[DMartinez-PFC-Nao|Teleoperation of Nao robot]])
# Pablo Flecha. PFC Viva June 2010.
# [https://es.linkedin.com/in/hectorquintian Héctor Quintián Pardo] and Alba Rodríguez from Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Engineering (2nd cycle) ([[HAQR-IA-Rovio|Teleoperation of Rovio robot]]) (2009 - 2010, 2nd semester)
# [[DMartinez-PFC-Nao | David Martínez Martínez]]. PFC Viva June 2010.
* Summer research residence (undergrad)
* Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Engineer (2nd cycle):
# [https://es.linkedin.com/pub/elena-ortega-fern%C3%A1ndez/35/aa/b17 Elena Ortega Fernández] ([[ElenaO-RV-proy1|NaoQI and BICA]]) (July - September 2010)
# [[HAQR-IA-Rovio | Hector Quintian y Alba Rodríguez]] 2009 - 2010 - 2nd semester
# [https://es.linkedin.com/in/hectorquintian Héctor Quintián Pardo] ([[HectorQ-RV-proy2|Teleoperation of Rovio robot]]) (July - September 2010)

Latest revision as of 07:16, 7 October 2024

Current members

The robotics group of the University of León is currently made up by:


  1. Coordinator: Dr. Camino Fernández Llamas
  2. Dr. Manuel Castejón Limas
  3. Dr. Miguel Ángel Conde González
  4. Dr. Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras
  5. Dr. Vicente Matellán Olivera
  6. Dr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera
  7. Dr. Francisco Jesús Rodríguez Sedano
  8. Dra. Lidia Sánchez González


  1. Claudia Álvarez Aparicio
  2. Adrián Campazas Vega
  3. Miguel Ángel González Santamarta
  4. Alexis Gutiérrez Fernández
  5. Virginia Riego del Castillo

PhD students

  1. Francisco Borja Garnelo
  2. Ignacio Samuel Crespo Martínez
  3. Pablo Escapa Gordón
  4. Laura Fernández Becerra
  5. Jesús Fernández Fernández
  6. Irene González Fernández
  7. Santiago Merino Bajo
  8. David Sobrín Hidalgo

MSc students

  1. Raúl Bayón Martínez
  2. Abel Carnicero Mayo
  3. Saúl Corrales Fernández
  4. Alejandro González Cantón
  5. Laura Inyesto Alonso
  6. Beatriz Jové de Castro
  7. Alberto Miguel Díez
  8. Luis Prieto López

Undergrad students

  1. David García Franco


  1. Jean Chrysostome Mayoko Biong from Université de Kiwit (R. D. Congo) (Sept 2024 - )
  2. Félix Escalona from Universidad de Alicante (Dec 2021 - Feb 2022)
  3. Francisco Gomez-Donoso Universidad de Alicante (April 2021 - May 2021)
  4. Wellington Maidana and Tiago Franco. CeDRI ( Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics) de Bragança. (January 2021)
  5. Pierre Aumjaud from School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University College Dublin. (February - May 2020). (| Jaco gym)
  6. Bence Ferdinandy from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary. (February - March 2018)
  7. Thadeu Vinicius de Brito from Brasil and Bragança, (Portugal) (2017)
  8. Tânia Carrera from Bragança, Portugal (Kinect with ROS and PCL) (February - June 2013)
  9. Marcelo de Souza from Santa Catarina State University, UDESC/CEAVI, Brasil (Navigation Algorithms for Turtlebot) (October 2012 - February 2013)
  10. Andrea Ravignani from the University of Wien, Austria (Comparative Cognition) (October - December 2012)
  11. Jesús Martínez Gómez from the University of Castilla la Mancha (2008 - 2009)

Past members


  1. Gonzalo Esteban Costales


  1. Alberto Miranda García


  1. Dra. Laura Fernández Robles
  2. Luis Vicente Calderita
  • Graduate Students:
  1. Alberto Fernández de Retana Fernández


  1. Javier Fernandez Mayo


  1. Dr. Eloy García Marcos
  2. David Sobrin Hidalgo
  3. María del Carmen Calvo Olivera


  1. Laura Inyesto Alonso
  2. Alba de Pedro López
  3. Eva Hernández García
  4. Adriana Yugueros
  5. Pablo Blanco Medina
  6. Flavio Rodrigues Diaz
  7. Razvan Radacu


  1. Jesús Balsa Comerón


  • Graduate Students:
  1. Diego García Ordás (3D object recognition and tracking)
  2. Fernando Casado García (Mobile manipulation)


  • Graduate Student:
  1. Víctor Rodríguez (3D object recognition and tracking)
  • Summer research residence
  1. Rubén Rodríguez Fernández (Turtlebot Navigation) (July 2013 - )


  • Master students:
  1. Aitana Alonso Nogueira (Human tracking and recognition) (Evolución de la Solución de Asistencia MYRA para su Despliegue en Plataformas Android) (September 2013 - September 2014)
  • Summer research residence (undergrad)
  1. Jose Álvaro Fernández Álvarez (Haptics and ROS) (July - September 2013)


  • PhD students
  1. Fernando García Diaz-Calvo (Autonomous behavior generation in mobile robots) (October 2012 - discontinued)
  • Master students
  1. Carlos Rodríguez Hernández (MYRA Robot: Hardware Update) (January - September 2013)
  • Undergrad students
  1. David Llamas Abad (AR in ROS)
  2. Julia Pérez del Río (Modular robotics)


  • Master students
  1. Isidoro Gayo Vélez (Using rovio for tele-surveillance) (January 2011 - discontinued)
  2. Álvaro Botas Muñoz (AR Drone) (November 2011 - July 2012)
  3. Fernando Casado García (Controlling Turtlebot with ROS) (January 2012 - July 2012)
  • Undergrad students
  1. Jesús Balsa Comerón (Nao Control) (March 2011 - discontinued)


  • PhD students
  1. Juan Felipe García Sierra (Aportaciones a la computación de atención visual y aplicación al control de un robot humanoide)
  • Master students
  1. Pablo Lobato Criado (Navigation with ROS and Rovio)
  2. Víctor Manuel González Mateos (Navigation with Rovio)
  3. Julio San Román Gutiérrez (Augmented reality on turtlebot) (March 2010 - discontinued)
  4. Víctor Rodríguez (Implementing a RoboCup goalie with Nao using BICA) (October 2010 - July 2011)
  • Undergrad students
  1. Elena Ortega Fernández (NaoQI and BICA) (November 2010 - September 2011)
  2. Álvaro Botas Muñoz (AR Drone) (November 2010 - September 2011)
  • Other
  1. Mario Castro de Lera from the Robotics course of the Master in Cybernetics (AR Drone)
  2. Ángel Rojo Román from the subject of Sistemas informáticos (Computer Systems) (AR Drone) (November 2010 - September 2011)


  • Master students
  1. Julio San Román Gutiérrez (Augmented reality for teleoperation of a Rovio robot)
  2. Víctor Fidalgo Villar (Ball tracking with overhead camera)
  • Undergrad students
  1. Pablo Flecha Gutiérrez
  2. David Martínez Martínez (Teleoperation of Nao robot)
  3. Héctor Quintián Pardo and Alba Rodríguez from Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Engineering (2nd cycle) (Teleoperation of Rovio robot) (2009 - 2010, 2nd semester)
  • Summer research residence (undergrad)
  1. Elena Ortega Fernández (NaoQI and BICA) (July - September 2010)
  2. Héctor Quintián Pardo (Teleoperation of Rovio robot) (July - September 2010)