We want to develop and deploy minimal functional abilities to be part of RoCKIn 2014.
- Navigation
- Mapping
- People recognition
- Person tracking
- Object recognition
- Object manipulation
- Speech recognition
- Gesture recognition
- Cognition
We want to take part in RoCKIn with the platform developed during the last two years in the Catedra Telefónica-ULE.
Robot Hardware
- iRobot Roomba 520
- Dinamixel Arm (5x12a)
- Wooden frame (yes, it is made of wood)
- Notebook (Atom processor) (the display has been taken apart from the main body)
- Kinect
- Arduino Mega
Robot Software
- ROS (robot control)
- MYRA (C/C++, ArUCo, Qt, openCV)
Project setup
We defined the development as four phases :
- Phase I: Initial Setup
- Phase II: Integration and architecture
- Phase III: Platform test
- Phase IV: Improvements and complex tasks
- Technical Challenge: Furniture-type Object perception
- Open Challenge: Exhibit and demonstrate the most important (scientific) achievements
Phase I: Initial Setup
Outline: Tasks developed in this phase
Phase II: Integration and Architecture
Outline: Tasks developed in this phase
Phase III: Platform test
WARNING: This part is still in Spanish, please feel free to ask if you have any doubt.
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/Test1.flv</wikiflv>
<wikiflv width="300" height="250" logo="true">/videos/Test2.flv</wikiflv>
Non-Critical (but to-do)
- Android/iOS Teleoperation
- Desktop Qt interface (WIP)
RoCKIn Camp 2014 - Summary
These were the highlight during the camp:
Migration to ROS hydro
Object Recognition