PCL/OpenNI tutorial 3: Cloud processing (advanced)

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Go to root: PhD-3D-Object-Tracking

Most of the techniques seen in the previous tutorial focused on preprocessing, that is, performing certain operations on the cloud to get it ready for further analysis or work. Downsampling, removing outliers, smoothing the surfaces, estimating the normals...

This new tutorial will teach you many interesting things that can be done with point clouds after the preparation step, such as registration, segmentation and model matching.

Go to root: PhD-3D-Object-Tracking

Links to articles:

PCL/OpenNI tutorial 0: The very basics

PCL/OpenNI tutorial 1: Installing and testing

PCL/OpenNI tutorial 2: Cloud processing (basic)

PCL/OpenNI tutorial 3: Cloud processing (advanced)

PCL/OpenNI troubleshooting